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Liaoning Magnesite Industry may usher in a new policy of "one game of chess" of resource integration in the whole province

Liaoning Province is rich in magnesite resources. In the past, mining was more important than management, leaving a lot of mine environmental problems, which also led to a vicious circle of increase in quantity and decrease in price. The magnesite resources in Haicheng began to be integrated. From August to October this year, the mining was stopped for three months in order to control the production and reduce the inventory. However, the effect was very weak, which not only failed to promote the stable recovery of magnesia price, but also continued to decline.
On October 18, the Department of natural resources, the Department of ecological environment, the Department of emergency management and the Bureau of forestry and grassland of Liaoning Province jointly issued the implementation plan for comprehensive management of open pit mines in Liaoning Province, which made it clear that by the end of 2019, the province should complete the investigation and investigation of open pit mines, register and summarize one by one, establish the standing book of "one mine, one policy", formulate the list of mine management, and carry out the comprehensive management of open pit mines in accordance with the law. The comprehensive renovation of open-pit mines will be completed by the end of 2020.
In addition, according to the website, leaders of Liaoning Province held a meeting last Tuesday, with the presence of important experts and leaders in the industry, to analyze and discuss the current situation, existing problems and solutions of Magnesite Industry, and to implement "one game chess" in Liaoning Province. Before that, Haicheng magnesite mine stopped mining in March, while Liaoyang, Xiuyan, Dashiqiao, Dandong and other places were not under control, so the magnesia inventory was not effectively released, the price did not rise but fell, and the expectation was not fulfilled. Magnesite is a special superior resource in Liaoning Province, which has a voice in the domestic and foreign markets. In the current situation, the market has been lost. Some of the stranded magnesite mines in some foreign countries have begun to be mined, and some of them are in need of more outlets. Therefore, in order to develop the healthy and sustainable development of magnesite resources in Liaoning Province, it needs the policy support of the state and the government, as well as the active cooperation of enterprises.

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