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Haicheng City to hold the magnesite industry joint action preparatory meeting

December 7, Haicheng City to hold a magnesia industry joint action preparatory meeting. Yang Hongbo deputy secretary and mayor of the municipal party committee, Zhou Rao member of the standing committee and deputy mayor of the municipal party committee, Yang Runsong member of the standing committee of the municipal party committee and party group of the municipal government, and Su Jiwu, Jiang Jun and Wang Limin, deputy mayors, attended the meeting. Government Office, Development and Reform Bureau, Natural Resources Bureau, Ecological Environment Bureau and other relevant responsible departments to attend the meeting.

The meeting reported the previous town (street) magnesite enterprise procedures check summary situation. The relevant responsible units, such as the Development and Reform Bureau, the Natural Resources Bureau, the Ecological Environment Bureau, the Emergency Bureau, the Housing Bureau and the Fire Brigade, respectively report on the audit of the enterprise procedures. Other participating departments on the preliminary investigation and the next step of the work plan to report.

Yang Hongbo pointed out that in the previous stage, Haicheng fully implemented the relevant instructions of document No .33 of the General Office of the Provincial Government, and achieved periodic results in implementing the integration of mining enterprises, building a platform sales system, promoting ecological environment management, and accelerating industrial transformation and upgrading. Provincial leaders have repeatedly given high praise to the sustainable and healthy development of magnesite industry in Haicheng.

Yang Hongbo stressed that promoting the sustainable and healthy development of magnesite industry is the concrete practice of implementing the economic development strategy of "two wings integration" in Anshan City. The relevant responsible departments should quickly compare with the circular issued by the municipal party committee on the establishment of the leading group for promoting the sustainable and healthy development of magnesite industry in Haicheng, give play to the role of the existing nine working groups, formulate implementation plans in accordance with the established tasks undertaken and in the light of the actual situation in Haicheng, comprehensively clarify the working measures, time nodes and completion standards, and further advance the implementation and effectiveness of the nine tasks. It is necessary to do a good job of mapping, obtain accurate data, do a good job of sorting out procedures, break down departmental barriers, implement joint actions, lead each other, cooperate with each other, and quickly promote the spirit of document No .33 of the General Office of the Provincial Government to achieve results in all relevant fields in Haicheng City.

Yang Hongbo demanded that we should carry out the special action work of joint rectification of magnesite industry, give full play to the advantages of magnesite industry in Haicheng, recognize the existing disadvantages, make up for the shortcomings, and turn the advantages of resources into industrial advantages. All responsible departments should conduct comprehensive consultation on the target and task of magnesium-related industries in Haicheng, further unify ideas, form joint forces, and comprehensively implement the work instructions for the overall promotion of "one game of chess" throughout the province. Haicheng existing mine magnesite processing enterprises comprehensive "physical examination" to ensure its healthy existence. It is necessary to strengthen the supervision of enterprises, under the legal framework, take the relevant provisions of production safety as the standard, carry out production and management according to law, seek breakthroughs through innovation, constantly improve the technological process of equipment, and make it fully meet the new requirements of industry.

Yang Hongbo stressed that Haicheng, as the main battlefield of magnesite industry and an important wing of Anshan's "two-wing integration" economic development strategy, should, in accordance with its strategic objectives, adjust its structure and turn its direction, set up a leading group for joint action on magnesite industry, formulate a special action plan for joint regulation of magnesite industry in Haicheng, carry out joint law enforcement action immediately, continuously promote the healthy, green and sustainable development of magnesite industry, and promote the overall revitalization and all-round revitalization of Haicheng.

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